Spending Freeze Lesson 7

Tue, Sep 16, 2014

Renee Says

Spending Freeze Challenge

Lesson 7  Start Where Your Are

I've read many articles that tell you that you should have 3-6 months worth of reserves.

Yet no one tells you where to begin this tremendous task.

Start Where You Are

Start Where You Are

I have come to the conclusion to start where you are.

If you can only save $5 a paycheck.

Start where you are until you can do better.

Don't complain about what you don't have.

Find the positive in your situation.

Start where you are by continuing to bring your lunch to work.

This will give you extra money to save or pay off a debt.

Start where you are by writing down all of your bills and the due


This will keep you from paying your bills late.

Start where you are by going shopping in your closet.

We all have things that we haven't worn in a while.

Mix up your wardrobe with pairing different things together to give your favorite  outfit a new look.

Are you willing to start where you are???

Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson


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