Black Friday

Tue, Nov 23, 2010

Budgeting, Lifestyle, News, Renee Says

The day after Thanksgiving sale is Black Friday.

I have been noticing a lot of companies have been offering early sales that reflect Black Friday prices.   These companies play on your mind with their marketing.  Your sense of needing to spend money.  The rush from being out in the large crowd.  The great deal your going to miss out on if you don't get to the sale.

Don't fall for the hype.

Make out your gift  list and budget.  You may even have to cut back on the number of people that  you buy gifts.  It's okay to do that. No one that you buy gifts for is going to help you pay off your Christmas debt.  Plan your Christmas shopping according to your budget.  When you spend money that was set aside for bills, you put yourself behind the eight ball after the holidays are over.  When the holidays are over you are behind on everything.  Your phone is ringing with collection calls.   Do you really want to keep living like that??

In the area I live in the outlet malls are opening on Thanksgiving Day at 10 p.m.  I've gone to one of these sales before.  I had to walk along way.  I was cold and sleepy.  I will never go to one of these sales again.  Deprive myself from sleep.  Or stand out in the cold for a sale that will be going on the next day.

One year I went to a 5 a.m. sale at large discount store.  Some of the people spent the night outside in the cold to be in line first.  I was in my car watching people stampede into the store.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing.   What I found at these sales were the items that they advertised each store only carried a  few of each item.  When I did buy something in the store I ended up taking it back because it didn't do what I needed it to do.

Black Friday can be any day you want to shop during this holiday season.  Many of the sales will get better the closer that you get to Christmas.  Shopping on-line can save you time and money.  Just pace yourself.  You may spend a lot of money on gifts that people don't even want.  I would rather spend time with my family with no gifts than put myself in debt and be miserable later.

Remember that the true reason for the season is Christ.


Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson


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