
Thu, Nov 18, 2010

Credit Repair, News, Renee Says

Excuses are the lies we tell ourselves.   The reasons we give don't add up to the truth.

Excuses are as common in life as taking a breathe. 

For years my excuse has been that I am not a morning person.   That has been my reason for being late everywhere I go. 

Today the excuse stops!!!

I have become my excuse.  No longer will I continue to tell myself that I am not a morning person.  My mindset has changed about being late and not being a morning person.  When there is something that I really want to do I get up and do it. 

What is your excuse for not doing something about your credit??? 

What is your excuse for not living by a budget???

What is your excuse for continuing in credit card debt???

I am on a mission to help one million everyday people restore their credit and build a healthy financial lifestyle.   My new credit course will help you get on that path to repair your credit and rebuilding your credit score.  Will you join me today on this journey and end your excuses???

I hope you start today.

To get a copy of my new book click www.sexliesandcredit.com.

Miss Rene"

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