Having bad credit is not the end

Thu, Sep 30, 2010

Credit Repair, News

44 million Americans  have what is commonly referred to as having bad credit.  You are not alone.  The good news is you can repair your bad credit yourself.

1.  You must get a copy of your credit report.

Be careful where you get a copy of your credit report.  Not all sites offer a free report.  You don't want to sign up for a monthly service that you do not need.  Go to www.annualcreditreport.com to get your free copy.

2. Decide on the specific goals that you have in mind for your credit score.

Are you trying to purchase a home in the next two years.  Or are you needing to purchase a car for transportation.  Your credit goal needs to be specific in order for you to obtain your goal and set up a plan to achieve that goal.

3. Work with a credit mentor or coach to help you implement your plan.

Someone who will hold you accountable for keeping the plan and goal you have set for yourself.

To get a copy of my new book and credit course, click over to www.sexliesandcredit.com.  

Miss Rene'

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