Holiday Money Mistakes

Tue, Dec 3, 2013

Budgeting, Renee Says

Christmas shopping is now in full swing.

Holiday Money Mistakes

Holiday Money Mistakes

Black Friday has now passed.

Many people went shopping without

a plan.

I came across an article

about holiday money mistakes to avoid.

Yahoo Finance – 5 Holiday Money Mistakes

"Millions of people will head out in search of the perfect gift for the one they love, meandering aimlessly through every toy and department store, and equipped with nothing more than a list and a credit card."

You're driven by guilt is the first holiday money mistakes.

Many of can not afford to buy all of our family and friends a gift for Christmas.

One way to avoid this holiday money mistake is for the adults to pull names from a hat

and set a limit on how much you will spend.

You only consider the price tag is another of the holiday money mistakes.

Price doesn't really matter.  It's what comes from the heart should be our goal.

Going broke to please people has long-lasting effects on your life.

You don't set a budget for your shopping is a one of the biggest holiday money mistakes.

No matter how big or small your list of gifts is you need a budget.

This helps you from going overboard with the gift giving.

When you go shopping with out a budget the holiday money mistakes can carry over for

months or even years depending on the amount of debt you incur.

Holiday money mistakes happen when you don't have a plan.

No matter if you have a budget or not you must have a plan on how and what you are

going to buy for gifts.

The best gift you can give is a gift card.

You can also get fuel points if you buy gift cards in the grocery store.

You panic is the last of the holiday money mistakes.

Waiting to the last-minute only makes things worse.

Things that were on your list may be sold out.

There by causing you to break you budget.

Holiday money mistakes can be a true reflection on your overall financial lifestyle.

Holiday money mistakes are made with over spending thinking that you can get back on

track when the tax refund arrives.

However, this year with the government shut down the IRS will process returns much


Refunds may not arrive until the 2nd or 3rd week of February.

Don't go into the new year in debt because of holiday money mistakes.

Now is the time to avoid holiday money mistakes

Are you going to avoid making holiday money mistakes???

Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson

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