Money Management

Mon, Sep 8, 2014

Blog, Motivation Monday, Renee Says

Money Management

It's Motivation Monday!!!

As I have been getting ready to do the Spending Freeze Challenge.

money management

Money Management

It got me to thinking about money management.

If you don't have money management your money will manage you.

Many of us exist in a survival mode when it comes to our money.

Poor money management causes us to live pay check to pay check.

Money management can be achieved by working one day at a time by living by a budget.

You need to write down all of your bills for each month and the due date.

I use for keeping track of my budget.

This will give you a better money management strategy when you get paid.

Money management is done by balancing your check book.

Leaving the check book at home.

Writing down all of your debt card transactions once you get home.

Keeping your receipts is a part of money management.

Being aware of what you are spending your money on is half the battle.

Are you willing to try money management today???

Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson

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