Moving Day

The last day or the first day of the month is Moving Day for many.

As I was out walking today I saw a few Uhaul trucks in my neighborhood.

It got me to thinking about MOVING DAY!!!

Today can be a moving day for you:

Moving day is the day you can start working on your credit.

This time next month your credit score will have moved up.

Moving day is the day you can start working on living by a budget.

This time next month you will budgeting better than you did last month.

Each month on Moving Day you start your budget all over again.

Moving day is the day you can start reducing your credit card debt.

Stop using your credit cards today.

This time next month on Moving Day can be 30 days that you have not used your credit cards.

Moving day is the day you start working on your life happens fund.

Every week you can put money into your piggy bank or separate bank account.

This time next month on Moving Day you can have money in your life happens fund.

Moving day is the day you start saving money in your savings account.

At least once a month you need to pay into your savings account.

This time next month on Moving Day you can at least have $5 in your savings account.

Moving day is the day you start living a better lifestyle.

Every day that you work on your credit, budget, and debt you move toward a better lifestyle.

This time next month on Moving Day your life can be less stressful as you work on a better lifestyle.

Moving day is the day you start working on your relationships.

Take the time to honor your relationships.

Let the people in your life know that you love and care about their well being.

This time next month on Moving Day your relationships will be more enriched.

Your financial coach,

Renee Lawson

Recommended Resources:

P.S. Did you know there's one amazingly simple thing you can do right now to increase your credit score? My new video show your how FREE:

New Book Coming:

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