Spending Freeze Tips 2

Wed, Sep 3, 2014

Blog, Lifestyle, Renee Says

Spending Freeze Tips

Sixth of the spending freeze tips is to put money aside to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables.

You can purchase these the second week of the challenge.

Again leave this money at home until you are ready to go to the grocery store.

Spending Freeze Tips

Spending Freeze Tips

Seventh of the spending freeze tips is to make a meal list should include

your breakfast and lunch.

Take leftovers from home for lunch.

Add your favorite snacks to your list to keep you from the vending

machine at work or stopping at the store.

This is one area that I believe that many of us spend much more than we

can imagine.

The eight of the spending freeze tips is stock up on personal items.

Make sure you have plenty of soap, lotion, deodorant, and feminine products.

The ninth of the spending freeze tips is to make sure you have enough cleaning supplies.

This two week spending freeze is a go time to clean out your closets.

Especially the big one that is supposed to be your garage.

It's not to late to turn that into some extra cash by having a garage sell.

Include your basement or junk room that you close the door when company comes over.

The tenth of the spending freeze tips is to get your oil changed or routine maintenance that may be due on your car.

We all know that your car burns more gas when your oil change is over due.

Changing your air filter will help also.

Don't forget to fill up before the spending freeze starts.

Thank you for joining me on this spending freeze challenge.

I hope that these spending freeze tips help you along this journey.

Please post your questions or progress on my blog, Facebook , twitter or instagram.

Your Financial Coach.

Renee Lawson

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