Tired of Being Tired

Thu, Sep 2, 2010

Credit Repair, News, Renee Says

I was talking to a gentlemen about his credit and financial situation. 

He told me he was tried of not having credit. 

He stated that he always had to depend on asking someone else to help him buy something using their credit. 

Yet he was still doing the same things to keep having bad credit.   

He was wondering why he keeps getting the same results. 

He had not reached the point of tired of being tired.

If you keep doing the same things and getting the same results when do you get tried??                                                                                        

We had this same conversation last year around the same time and still no change just more excuses. 

Until you get tried of being tried of getting the same results you will stay right were you are. 

Whether it's your credit, finances, job, education or relationships until you stop doing the same things you will keep getting the same results. 

 Are you tired of being tired???

Your financial coach,

Renee Lawson

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P.S. Did you know there's one amazingly simple thing you can do right now to increase your credit score?  My new video show your how FREE: www.totalprosperityclub.com.

New Book Coming:  www.sexliesandcredit.com

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