Want or Need

Want or Need

I was having a conversation with one of my clients recently.

We were talking about Thanksgiving spending for the big meal.

With the majority of the meal already in hand.

It was stated that they needed chitlins to make the meal complete.

I asked the question was that a want or need???

It got me to thinking about how we fail to recognize a want or need.

Many of the financial decisions we make are based on a want or need.

We confuse our wants as needs.

When in fact there is a big difference in a want or need.

Our desires for better things lead us to confuse a want or need for things that we can not afford.

For example we may need a new pair of running shoes.

We go to the store there are many choices.

want or need

Want or Need

The pair that fits the best cost $89.

The pair that looks the best cost $159.

We want the pair that looks the best.

However, the best buy to feel our need is the pair that fits the best.

One pair is the want and the other a need.

This happens with other areas of our lives.

We have a choice in a want or need when it comes to using our credit.

When we use our credit cards we must decide if the purchase is a want or need.

This choice makes the difference in the amount of debt we carry.

Our want or need drives our need to desire to make purchases.

These purchases can add to our debt.

There is a want or need in the choice of our cable/satellite television deal.

We can get all the movie channels that we will not have time to watch.

Or we can get the basic channels to save money.

This goes along with how we budget our money.

A want or need spending should be how we face making out our budget.

In relationships our spending habits can make or break our relationships.

A want or need spending can cause strains on our relationships.

Want or need drives how we decide where we live and what we drive.

We have to learn the difference of a want or need is the most important.

Those decisions can cost a great deal of time, money, and debt.

Letting our wants over power our needs can cause many unnecessary problems.

It took me a long time to get over wants as to what I really need.

Getting my wants did not satitfy me.

It only made me want more things.

These things lead me down the path to filing bankruptcy.

I now know that my decisions affect my abilty to decided what is a want or need.

Do you know the difference between a want or need???

Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson

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P.S. Did you know there's one amazingly simple thing you can do right now to increase your credit score? My new video show your how FREE: www.totalprosperityclub.com.

New Book Coming: www.sexliesandcredit.com.

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