Words of Encouragement

Thu, Jan 3, 2013

Relationships, Renee Says

Words of Encouragement

I recently was having a conversation with a group of people.

words of encouragement

Words of Encouragement

One of whom was in her early twenties.

I invited her to come to one of our functions.

Her grandmother said that I should hold my breathe.

It got me to thinking about the need to give young people words of encouragement.

We never know how showing interest in some one will affect their life.

Words of encouragement don't cost anything.

The world is much different from when I was in my twenties.

Many young people are not living in a two parent home.

Those growing up with a single parent face challenges.

However all young people no matter what their home environment may need a word of encouragement from time to time.

With young people you have to take the time to get to know them.

They can tell if you are sincere or not.

You have to get to know them on their level.

Speak their language.

More importantly text them to communicate.

There is a young woman that touched my heart.

I met her at the grocery store.

I would speak when I would see her.

Congratulated her when she graduated from high school.

So I noticed when she didn't leave the store like the other students.

I asked her about school.

She said took a break because she needed to make some money.

I encouraged her to go back to school as soon as possible.

We have been having this conversation all summer.

I gave some information on the career she told me she wanted to pursue.

This week she came and hugged me.

She said we would be starting school in January.

There are many young people who just need  words of encouragement.

Not all of them are on the wrong path.

Words of encouragement can save a life.

Words of encouragement can improve a life.

Words of encouragement can start a positive change.

I even need words of encouragement sometime.

I think we all could use words of encouragement to keep pushing ahead.

Anytime I can I am willing to give some one words of encouragement.

Are you willing to give  Words of Encouragement to a young person???

Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson

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