Give It Your All

Give It Your All

Today with the aftermath of snow and ice people were digging out.

Give It Your All

Give It Your All

I saw a maintenance person shoveling snow.

He just did enough to get by.

He shoveled a path instead of the whole sidewalk.

It got me to thinking about in life do you give it your all…

This covers every area of your life whether or no you give it your all.

There are times that we go to work and get nothing done all day.

Yet we think that we our owed a  paycheck.

We even have the nerve to think we deserve a raise.

Not considering the fact you don't give it your all on your job.

You may not like the job that you have but you should give it your all everyday.

You never know who may be looking at you.

This could be the difference in being over looked for a promotion or being offered a new job.

So give it your all the next time your boss has you do a presentation.

Living paycheck to paycheck plays a role in you not being able to give it your all with the finances.

It is so stressful to rob Peter to pay Paul every month.

Yet many of us never try to break the cycle.

We can start with a budget.

By taking the time to know what your income is compared to your expenses.

That means you give it your all to stick to the budget.

Even if it means letting go of some your wants to get back on track.

When you have bad credit  you give it your all and decide to work on improving it.

You start by getting a copy of your credit report.

Your debt can be up to your eye balls.

However, you must decide that you want to give it your all by coming up with a plan to pay it off.

You give it your all by not incurring anymore new debt.

Leave your credit cards at home or be bold by cutting them up.

That's even true when you volunteer for positions in your community.

Whether it's your children's boy/girl scout troop meeting, sporting contest, or PTA.

Participate by showing up and be fully present in the activity.

Your children will know if you are engaged or not.

You may hold a position in your local church.

Give it your all by being prepared to teach, lead or participate.

Others may not know but God sees all.

Whatever it is in life you do to give it your all.

Are you willing to give it your all in this life time????

Your Financial Coach,

Renee Lawson






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